Reading is a Journey, Not an Event!

Week 15!
Congratulations! You stuck in there and finished the course. Remember, "Reading development is an ongoing journey. It is not a one time event." Continue to read and seed knowledge.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


The topic of chapter 9 is "Arguements".  We have defined the word arguement and identified the elements of a strong arguement.  The support should be logical, relevant, and adequate. 

Begin by making a point.  Then provide relevant, logical, and adequate support for your arguement.  You can argue any topic you choose.  You arguement should be at least a paragraph (5-6 sentences).  This arguement will be brief and concise, do not exceed 200 words.  Read some of the sample paragraphs provided in chapter 9 of your text if you need to see examples.

Your post will be due by Friday, May 4, 2012.

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