Reading is a Journey, Not an Event!

Week 15!
Congratulations! You stuck in there and finished the course. Remember, "Reading development is an ongoing journey. It is not a one time event." Continue to read and seed knowledge.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Bystander Effect

The article, "The Bystander Effect", suggests that people act quite differntly when in an emergency situation if they're alone versus when they are in a group, or in public.  It has been named the "bystander effect".  Write about a time when you feel the "bystander effect" influenced a group of people to act differently than they would have acted had they been alone.  This can be something you experienced personally or an event from history.  Either way, explain the incident and clearly explain why you think it is an example of the "bystander effect".  200 word minimum

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